Daily Blogwatch: 14 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Federal Debt and Should Microsoft Employees Use iPhones?


Some of the best reads for investors from around the Web:

Nope. NY or Las Vegas are not the craziest cities in the U.S. This one is.

The Intelligent Speculator has a new trade: long Google (GOOG) and short ValueClick (VCLK).

Uber-trader Victor Niederhoffer shares ten things he learned while trading for George Soros.

Doug Kass, from TheStreet.com, has some inside information: Tiger Woods is back.

A lot of people seem upset that Apple is now bigger than Wal-mart. I added my own comment to the post.

14 facts about the federal deficit that will blow your mind!

More than you ever wanted to know about the John Edwards sex tape.

Hedge fund manager Jeff Matthews has a post on how Microsoft (MSFT) could be better managed in part, by allowing employees to have iPhones.
