BlackBerry users lust for the iPhone

Blackberry users have iPhone lust
Blackberry users have iPhone lust

As a user of the BlackBerry Storm, color me unsurprised that a recent survey by Crowd Science found that people like me would love to give up our smart phone for a iPhone or a Google Android. More than half, 52%, of BlackBerry users surveyed would probably recommend the iPhone, and 28% would recommend the Google Android operating system.

The love is not reciprocated, though, with 97% of iPhone users who said they would definitely or probably recommend the iPhone, while 100% of those using an Android phone said they would recommend the Android. Of BlackBerry users 39% said they would certainly or probably buy an iPhone if they were shopping for a phone today, and another 29% might or might not.

So what's the reason for the lack of brand loyalty? From my perspective, two main reasons: poor performance and lack of applications.
