Hideeni's Easter Eggs in Pet Society

14 Pet Society Easter Eggs
14 Pet Society Easter Eggs

We're loving these colorful eggs that Hideeni started giving out earlier today. We wonder if they will ever hatch a baby Hideeni.

There are 14 different kinds, and our fellow Pet Societyholics in the Philippines have spotted them all! The gold, rainbow and the mosaic ones are supposedly very rare.

New players: To get these eggs, look in your news feed for a message like this and click the last link.

Easter Hideeni Eggs notice
Easter Hideeni Eggs notice

A reader, Abe found Hideeni fast asleep in his house. Our poor Easter Bunny must have been pooped out!

Hideeni sleeping in Pet Society Easter Bunny outfit
Hideeni sleeping in Pet Society Easter Bunny outfit

This article originally appeared on Pet Society Anonymous.
