Daily Blogwatch: Nine Stocks with Huge Yields and Five with the Biggest Market Caps


Below are some of the best reads for investors from around the Web:

Consumer spending is increasing at the fastest rate in three years, according to the Good News Economist.

Henry Blodget, uber-analyst from the dot-com days on, "What I've learned in the 10 years after the Nasdaq peak."

Andy Swan, who built and sold MyTrade.com to ThinkOrSwim (and sadly, I declined to invest in it) with the best techniques for improving your mind.

The Microcap Speculator gives three reasons why he bought globalscape (GSB).

George Will on how to ruin a child. Unfortunately, I don't follow this advice.

Six delusions of Google's (GOOG) arrogant leaders.

Nine little-known dividend stocks with big yields.

Guess what the five highest market cap companies are in the U.S.

I visited this bookstore last year and have to say, I agree, it's the most beautiful.
