Bedbugs and spring break make poor bedfellows

Bedbugs making a comback
Bedbugs making a comback

As if you didn't have enough to worry about, the fine folks at one of the nation's largest pest control companies are warning that bedbugs could be awaiting your arrival at your spring break destination.

The nocturnal blood suckers (no, this is not an episode of Twilight masquerading as a blog post) can hide in mattresses, pillow cases, closet floors, even luggage racks, according to the company, which claims it has located (and apparently not fully eradicated) them in hotels in all 50 states.

The all-points-bulletin may sound self-serving -- and it may be self-serving too -- but it's enough to make you stay home with your head under the covers. Oh, whoops! Have to check there for bedbugs, too, because, the news release screams, "Traveling is what bed bugs do best. They're hitchhikers."
