Quote of the Moment: Schedule Accordingly


"Oh yeah. Remember, I'm unemployed. If I was working, the schedule would be different. [On an average day] I wake up at seven, let the dogs out, then go turn on the computer, load up Facebook, and by the time I let the dogs back in, Facebook is loaded and they go back to bed with my wife. I make sure my fish are fed, my crops haven't withered, that everything's going fine, grab presents and plant accordingly.

If I need to plant, I do it so the harvesting is ready when my wife is off to work, so I can spend time with her when she wakes up. So if I have four hour crops, I can go seven to 11 and then 11 to three. Then I plant again so I can do an eight hour crop so when that's ready I can watch the news and start getting dinner ready. Realistically, there's about three hours a day when our computer's not on.


It's really sad, but it's true that I plan around these things if I know I'm not going to be home. If my wife is off two days in a row, I'll plant a three day crop so I don't have to be worrying about it all the time."
-A Facebook gamer identified only as "Frank" responds to the question "Do you ever plan your day around your Facebook games?" at a Game Developers Conference Panel entitled "The Anatomy of a Social Gamer: Why Do They Come, Play and Pay?"
