Southwest Airlines, Chase reaching out to a new audience for credit cards: Toddlers

2 year old gets chase and southwest airlines credit card offer
2 year old gets chase and southwest airlines credit card offer

Kemper doesn't have a job, but he does like to stack things up and knock them down. He knows his letters, but can't read -- certainly not credit card solicitations. But he gets them nonetheless. A curious thing to send to a 2-year-old.

His mom, Frances Sayers, was none-too-happy to read a recent offer for Kemper for a Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards credit card from Chase.

"I was surprised and a little bit angry," she said. "Kemper's only two, after all. He has a piggy bank, not a credit history. But I'd already received similar offers myself since enrolling in Southwest's frequent-flier program, so it began to feel like less of a surprise and more of an inevitability."
