Top Web sites to help take back control of your medical care


As you read more stories about doctors profiting from the medical devices they use or about noninvasive medical treatments that can be used effectively as alternatives to surgery, you may wonder how you can be fully informed before making a major medical decision. Luckily, today there are many excellent Web sites available developed by respected medical organizations to help you sort through the issues and develop your own set of questions for your doctor.

While I'm by no means suggesting you should disregard your doctors, I am suggesting that you can become a true partner in your medical care. Any time a doctor has said to me after I ask a question about a particular treatment recommendation that either I trust him or go elsewhere, I've always decided to walk.

If my doctor won't answer my concerns during a regular visit and explain his choices, then I find a doctor who has more respect for me and my body and will discuss treatment options.
