When Wrong is Right: Strange DIY Interior Design Ideas

Pacal Anson's Reunification Project
Pacal Anson's Reunification Project

Most designers, celebrity or not, are usually interested in trying to get their look just right. They look at a house, a living room, a kitchen, and they think "What's wrong here? How do I make it right?"

Not Pascal Anson. The London-based designer is the whimsical (which doesn't mean his points aren't serious) genius behind designs like the Reunification Project, a series of projects in which he unifies previously mis-matched items like forks or tables by treating them, as he says, "in the same way" (dipping cutlery in black and then red; covering bedside tables in red-dipped plastic deer) and also high-luxe designs like a porcelain birdbox for china giants Rosenthal or a totally rocking rocking chair. He is also the host of a series of short videos detailing ways in which people with a lack of budget and a surfeit of creativity can outfit their homes.
