Tiki Farm Achievement Trophies Guide

Tiki Farm Flash Preloading Screen
Tiki Farm Flash Preloading Screen

Playdom's Tiki Farm is a Facebook farming simulation game similar to FarmVille, but instead of finding yourself dropped onto a nowhere land of green fields and brown plots, you're camped out next to an active volcano on a South Pacific island.

For each of the 12 achievements in the game, there are four metal trophies: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Earning all four trophies allows you to master the achievement. Please note that Tiki Farm's achievement system went live on January 28, so if you've played the game before that date, your past work doesn't count towards your trophies.

After the jump, you'll find a listing of Tiki Farm achievements and how to master them all. We still need to fill in some blanks, so if you have any extra info, please leave it in the comments area below!
