FarmVille fan poetry slam continues...


Earlier this week, we ran a FarmVille poem, courtesy of FarmVille Freak. Then another enthusiastic FarmVill-ian, Elizabeth, sent in another ode to FarmVille. So slap on a black beret, grab an espresso and prepare to read Elizabeth's poetic stylings below:

Wow, what a happy choice indeed!
Plant in a virtual world no need of real seeds
Of beautiful trees, vegetables, fruits, even weeds...
Horse, goats, pigs, chicken, ducks outnumbered the real ones,
Animals you remembered way back in your {real} farms.

We are the "farmers" of the world!
Bringing in seconds, farm common produce
See, everywhere it's the same needs
Nutrients derived from these edibles, herbals and all.
Let's play for its thrill, but always eat of what is real!

See, we are on guard when we play the game.
Making the right choices of what we need
And what we can buy of "coins' we have.
Of varied hues try go the race for best profitable farm
Brothers of the world, come all, come one!

By Elizabeth B. Ignacio -- Laguna, Philippines

Have a FarmVille poem? Send it to and we'll post it here!
