Wild Tangent bets you'll watch ads in exchange for virtual items

wild tangent thinks you'll watch ads in exchange for virtual goods
wild tangent thinks you'll watch ads in exchange for virtual goods

Everyone who follows the Facebook gaming world knows that the direct marketing offers in FarmVille, et al, generally ask users to give up personal information in exchange for virtual coins that would, otherwise, cost real-life cash. It's not exactly the best way to play it safe on the Web.

But, what if you could simply watch a Sprint ad and, in exchange, get a one-of-a-kind storage barn for FarmVille, or a rare vehicle for Mafia Wars?

That's the gist of WildTangent's new BrandBoost advertising platform, creating ways for advertisers to get the word out, while rewarding viewers for their time and attention. In a recent Nielsen survey of 27K players, more than 85% say they do not want to pay for virtual items, so this is a way players can score a virtual item in exchange for time, instead of cash.
