Pet Society Product Test Drives: Motorbike & Petling Bed


Are you overwhelmed by the dozens of items coming out each week? Do you get lost in the Pet Society shops? If you like to make informed purchases, check out the product test-drives here before spending all your coins. Starting this week, this blog will offer reviews of some of the latest items in Pet Society.

Futuristic Motorbike at the Gadget Shop
Futuristic Motorbike at the Gadget Shop

The Futuristic Motorbike came out on February 15 at the Gadget Shop for a whopping 2200 coins. Despite the high price tag, I was excited by it, because I expected it to move. It doesn't. Your pet can sit on it, and that's about it.

The Futuristic Motorbike gets 2 1/2 paws, because it's nothing but a glorified chair.

New Petling Beds in Pet Society
New Petling Beds in Pet Society

Petling Beds
I've been loving the petlings since they were released on Feb 1, and now they have a proper place to sleep. Two versions of petling beds are available at the Garden Shop. I test-drove the more affordable one at 800 coins.

I was skeptical a bout how the beds would work since the petlings jump around so much. When they are hungry, they run and turn somersaults, and don't ever seem to rest. But when they're full, they will perform random movements, including jumping, scratching themselves, and sleeping. They don't always want to be in the bed, but when they do, it's a picture-perfect moment.

Verdict: Cute overload! This gets a rating of 4 out of 5 paws.

Your Reviews

Do you have an opinion about a new item? Share your thoughts and help out other Pet Society players! Send a picture of your pet using the item to or attach the picture on the PSA fan page. Tell us why it's good or bad, and rate the item between 1-5 paws. 1 = Awful. 5 = Excellent. The best product reviews will appear here and on AOL Be sure to include the name of your pet.

Pets in Pet Society Petling Bed
Pets in Pet Society Petling Bed

This article originally appeared on Pet Society Anonymous.
