Earn $25 gift card with prescription transfer


Gift card offers to transfer prescriptions are heating up again. In the past month I've received three offers through the mail for a $25 gift card if I transfer a prescription. This latest offer has a printable online coupon for a prescription transfer bonus at Kmart.

You can get a $25 Kmart gift card if you transfer your prescription to Kmart from another pharmacy. Note, transferring from another Kmart location does not count. Transfer four prescriptions and you'll get $100.

The gift card is good towards non-pharmacy purchases. You must print out the coupon through the above link to get the deal. Offer ends April, 10.

Rite Aid has a similar prescription transfer offer for a $25 gift card.

Kmart caveats: not valid with any other offer. Not valid in AR, NY, or Puerto Rico. Not valid for prescriptions paid for in whole or in part of government programs. In NJ, valid only for folks 60 years or older. If your co-pay plus the amount Kmart is reimbursed by the health care provider, or, if you have no insurance, the retail price of the prescription, is less than $25, you will receive a gift card for less than $25. Instead, your gift card will equal your co-pay plus the amount Kmart is reimbursed by the health care provider, or, if you have no insurance, the retail price of the prescription. So basically, low-cost prescriptions will not net you a $25 gift card.

Thanks, Alex!
