Free Taco Fresco from Taco Bell


Snack on a free Taco Fresco from Taco Bell when you print out a coupon and bring it to any of its locations. The coupon is good for seven days after you print it or until one million of the coupons have been printed.

The Taco Fresco is one of seven items on Taco Bell's "low calorie" menu. Each Fresco menu item has fewer than nine grams of fat and has 20-100 fewer calories than similar items on the regular menu. So basically it is less fatty fast food.

You'll need the Smart Source Java Applet to print the coupon, which the site will provide if you don't already have it. The Smart Source software helps prevent fraud because it makes sure you don't print, say 100 free taco coupons from one computer.

Check this site to see if all the free tacos have been given away.
