Mafia Wars Mystery Bags: Everything you need to know


Mafia Wars Valentine's Day Massacre has come and gone -- and in its place, new giftable Mystery Bags that promise special rewards, including items from a brand new Chinese New Year collection. It's all so .... mysterious, isn't it?

The giftable bags can be sent to friends via the 'free gifts' area of the game, so sent a bunch and beg your friends to send you a bunch back in return. To open the mystery boxes, locate them in on the new Mafia Wars homepage and click to open. What you'll find inside really is a mystery. These boxes have bore everything from mystery gift collection items (see complete list of items below) to Godfather points, limited edition items such as the Huey helicopter, an envelope of Thai Baht and a discount on buying more Godfather points.

A word of warning -- virtual mobsters have reported that they've been having trouble finding these mystery gifts after accepting them. If you're on the new Mafia Wars layout, they should appear in one of the top two 'to-do' list areas on the homepage. If you've accepted mystery gifts and they don't appear, refresh the game a few times and see if they show up after that. If they still don't appear, you may have ran into a glitch, so head to the Mafia Wars message boards to file a complaint and/or let off some stream.

mafia wars mystery bag collection
mafia wars mystery bag collection

What did you find in your Mafia Wars mystery bag?
