Brother, Can You Spare A Sparefoot?


Perry Nelson, 31-year-old M.B.A. candidate at the University of Texas at Austin, rents an apartment and makes money off it. For the past semester, she has been charging $25 a month to rent out the space next to a desk in the corner of her dining room as storage to a student who is studying abroad.

How did she come up with this idea? She thanks's CEO, Chuck Gordon, for the tip.

"I heard Chuck speak about SpareFoot and thought it could be a great way to earn a little extra money off my unused space."

SpareFoot, an online marketplace for self-storage listings in the U.S., has been helping individuals and now, companies, earn top dollar for their unused space since its launch in 2008.

The process is easy: individuals who wish to rent out their available apartment space post a listing on and wait for those interested in renting space for storage to contact them. Gordon says people list everything from closets to garages and extra bedrooms.
