See Disney's record holder for World's Largest Structure of Canned Food


WalletPop was at the Epcot theme park at Walt Disney World in Orlando when Disney Parks (aided by ABC's Ty Pennington) unveiled a publicity stunt for a good cause: a Guinness-authenticated world record for the largest structure ever made out of canned food. A strange accomplishment, to be sure, but it was done in the name of the company's current promotion, which promises a free day of admission for anyone who does a day of volunteer work. Since January 1, Disney has had more than 600,000 takers for this freebie.

Despite the momentary frivolity, this food won't go to waste, either. By the end of the day, it will be on its way to needy families throughout the Southeast. Officially, Disney puts the number of cans used in the sculpture at 115,527, which beats the old record (yes, there was one, from New Zealand) by 61,000. There's enough food in this stack -- depicting Pluto, Donald, Mickey, and Goofy, whose hat is made of boxes of bread crumbs -- to create about 70,000 meals.
