PetVille Valentine's Day gifts and the Love-O-Meter

petville valentine gifts
petville valentine gifts

Valentine's madness kicks off in PetVille, with new limited edition gifts that include candy hearts bearing pet-appropriate messages such as "I ruff you" and "purrfect," as well as a single red rose and a kiss.

As extra incentive to send (and, therefore, receive) as many of these Valentines as possible, these items will be used to fill up the game's Love-O-Meter. The more gifts your pet gets, the higher the score. The meter also indicates that there will be a "deluxe mystery prize" on V-Day of some sort, though we're not sure if everyone will get one or only those popular enough to register as burning hot 'Ultimate Valentine.'

petville valentine's love-o-meter
petville valentine's love-o-meter

Valentine's gifts? Popularity contests? It almost reminds us of fifth grade, where all of the 'It' crowd got tons of valentines and the one poor kid who always got none. The moral of this story? Be generous with those candy hearts and kisses and make sure all of your PV friends feel the love once Feb. 14 rolls around.

What's your current Love-O-Meter ranking?
