Super Bowl party on a budget: Victory is near

Super Bowl party
Super Bowl party

When it comes to hosting a Super Bowl party on the cheap, WalletPop embraces the K-I-S-S approach: Keep It Simple, Super.

Austere times call for a lean but loving bash, letting the game and conversation carry the day, supported by traditional sports-watching grub. The warmth of your home filled with friends will be your most valuable player.

Our winning strategy focuses on not overdoing it. Prepare one abundant main dish and play off that. How about a mild vat of chili that can be spiced by each guest? Just remember to match a pound of tomatoes or tomato sauce for every pound of meat or beans, then add garlic, cumin, chili powder, paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Twenty bucks can feed a dozen. One WalletPop colleague suggested a chili cook-off as a turbocharged potluck if you're in super-economizing mode.
