"Miserable" Calif. Town Tops Foreclosure List

Stockton, California
Stockton, California

From Hooker, Oklahoma to Accident, Maryland homeowners proudly have a thing or two to say about their home-city's reputation. The residents of Hell, Michigan, for example, can't help but smile as they call theirs "a town on its way up."

Stockton, California residents? Not so much. They don't want to embrace their town's new nickname: "Foreclosureville." Who would?

According to MSNBC the inland town 80 miles east of San Francisco got the name two years ago from the Los Angeles Times. It also earned the number one spot on Forbes' "most miserable cities" index, a feat typically marked with street-cred-enhancing-shout-outs on albums.

But so-called "Foreclosureville" doesn't suffer alone...Perhaps the decade-old Eminem lyrics should be re-worked: "May I have your attention please? Would the real "foreclosureville" please stand up, please stand up"? Here are 10 other cities with top foreclosure street cred...
