FishVille adds Superfoods: Caffeine and Growth


Starting today, FishVille owners can tweak the progress of their fish with the help of Superfoods - two brand new items that have just been released by Zynga. In this article we'll see what the Superfoods are, what do they do and how to get them! Let's start with the announcement message:

fishville superfoods
fishville superfoods

Now, what do the superfoods do? Well, the FishVille Caffeine helps your fish last longer without food, doubling the time remaining until a new feeding is needed. The FishVille Growth superfood helps your fish grow a little faster (a bit too slow for my taste, with just 10% growth for one pill).

How can you access the Superfoods? It's simple - simply click the feed icon and select them from the new menu:

fishville superfoods icons
fishville superfoods icons

You can also buy new SuperFoods once the bonus ones are over, 5 bits of each superfood costing 1 Sand Dollar.

fishville superfoods purchase
fishville superfoods purchase

Article reprinted with permission from Social Games Help.

Will you use Superfoods in FishVille?
