Forever 21 opens huge store, goes after grown-ups

Forever 21
Forever 21

Chances are that if you're over 30 and shopping at Forever 21, you're looking for tops you can wear to your craziest friend's South Beach bachelorette, then dispose of at Miami International -- so that no one in the real world ever knows you owned them.

But the country's foremost purveyor of ripped-from-the-tabloids trends wants older, more sophisticated customers, according to WWD. How do they plan to get them? Bigger stores.

The company says that department-store-sized outposts with larger selections of swimwear, lingerie, accessories and plus-sized styles will help them win shoppers who have passed the quarter-century mark (45% of its clients are 18-24, 20% under 18). The first supersized store opens today in Cerritos, Calif.
