When to use an 'emergency' credit card


Even people who don't whip out the plastic on a regular basis like to have a credit card they can turn to in the event of an emergency.

This article from CreditCards.com outlines some of the main ins and outs of using without abusing an emergency card. Clarky Davis, a reformed debt-aholic who gives financial advice under the moniker of the "Debt Diva," spoke with Walletpop to give our readers some sound advice about when to use -- and when not to use -- an emergency credit card.

First, since card companies have taken up the irritating habit of canceling unused cards, don't save your card just for emergencies, or you may find that the account's been closed right when you need it most. Davis suggests using it for one small payment each month, either a purchase you make regularly or an automatic payment, just to keep the account active and in good standing.
