Rumor: Facebook Credits coming to FarmVille this week!

facebook credits coming to farmville?
facebook credits coming to farmville?

Yesterday, we wrote about Facebook Credits exchange rate, which has already started filtering into some of our favorite games. Today, there's a rumor on Virtual Goods News that Credits will soon be made a payment option for FarmVille as early as this week.

If the rumors are true, this will be the first massive test for the new Facebook Credits, which have already rolled out in games such as Playfish's Restarant City, Crowdstar's Happy Aquarium and Zynga's Pirates games.

Facebook's move to integrate its own monetary system into social games doesn't come as surprise, especially considering that these games are bringing in millions for social game companies, and Facebook is hardly being compensated for hosting these games outside of advertising. Some predict that Facebook plans to remedy that by taking a 30% cut from each transaction.
