Free pink Nursery bag


The site Nusery Water is giving away 101 pink reusable bags that say Nursery on them everyday. Not sure how many days the promotion lasts, but I just requested one.

I had to share my name, address, e-mail, and phone number to get the freebie, which takes 4-6 weeks to arrive. One per household.

Nursery Water is primed for babies and toddlers, according to the site. It is meant to be mixed with cereal, formula, or juice.

The pink reusable bag has a little pouch you can fold it into so it will fit into your purse. The bag is perfect for carrying diapers, wipes, extra clothes, or groceries. I say you can't have enough reusable bags. Or save it for a baby shower gift!

Thanks, FreeSampleFreak!
