Move over lead, CPSC warning about kids' jewelry tainted with cadmium


UPDATE: Walmart announced it is pulling the products identified as containing cadmium that are carried in its stores.

"We will immediately remove from sale those items identified in recent media reports regarding cadmium while our own investigation is being completed, and until more is known,"
Walmart said in a written statement. "The findings in this report are troubling and as the world's largest retailer we have a responsibility to take swift action and we're doing so."

The head of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is urging the nations that make children's toys and jewelry to not allow manufacturers to substitute other toxic heavy metals for lead.

"I would highly encourage all of you to ensure that toy manufacturers and children's product manufacturers in your country are not substituting cadmium, antimony, barium, in place of lead," CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum said in a recorded address to the international trade association Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. "All of us should be committed to keeping hazardous or toxic levels of heavy metals out of surface coatings and substrates of toys and children's products."
