FarmVille limited fertilizing and feeding


You may have noticed that you are not able to fertilize as many FarmVille neighbors' farms as usual.

Currently there is a limited amount of farms that you can fertilize and feed. Even if you have not visited a particular neighbor's farm today, you may be unable to fertilize or feed.

Even though fertilizing can take a long time, it's a good way to earn XP because fertilized crops yield XP for you and your neighbors. Feeding chickens will also yield XP and possible Mystery Eggs.

This seems to be a temporary problem, as Zynga has not made an announcement regarding reduced fertilizing ability. There seemed to be a connection between not being able to access your farm and fertilizing/feeding. So let's hope Zynga gets this fixed soon.

Are you experiencing limited fertilizing ability?

farmville freak friends fertilizing frenzy
farmville freak friends fertilizing frenzy

FarmVille Freak Friends Fertilizing Frenzy

This story originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.
