New FarmVille giftables arrive: Ribbon Pole, Snowflake Pole & Penguin Statue


FarmVille Freak Fable Fawg noticed that there are some new Giftables released tonight (12.30.09) .

farmville giftable penguin statues!
farmville giftable penguin statues!

FarmVille Giftable Penguin Statues!

These items can only be sent or received as a gift from your FarmVille neighbors.

giftable penguin statue notice
giftable penguin statue notice
farmville penguin statue giftable
farmville snowflake pole giftable
farmville ribbon pole giftable

FarmVille Penguin Statue Giftable

FarmVille Snowflake Pole Giftable

FarmVille Ribbon Pole Giftable

This article was re-published with permission from
