5 Things Congress Can Learn From the "Real World: D.C."


Watch out politicos, MTV's "Real World" is returning, and this time they're in your town. Yes, Washington D.C is the latest "hip" locale for the house filled with mismatched 20-somethings all vying for their cliché 15-minutes of fame (or drunken embarrassment). The current crew will be living in an unbelievable fantasy house set in the prime Dupont neighborhood: 2000 S Street NW to be exact. Only on the Real World could these kids live in a house so extravagant.

Watching the show's premiere last night, I started to wonder what we can learn from the "Real World: Washington D.C." as they party their way through the stomping grounds of Obama and the White House. The truth behind closed doors in Washington is far more exciting than the contrived "reality" they try to play out with the cast on the MTV show.

I doubt we'll see a blond bimbo from San Diego hooking up with a Senator who coaxed her to be his staff intern. Or better yet, the entire Real World crew crashing a White House dinner, claiming to be on the guest list.

Since it seems that the tired formula, which is "Real World," can't take much from the real drama that unfolds daily in Washington, then what can Congress learn from the "Real World"? I wondered ...

Thus, here are 5 things Congress can learn from the Real World:
