FarmVille fireworks & gold candles set giftables released


FarmVille released an unusual Monday night update that included a few new giftable only items.

farmville fireworks notice
farmville fireworks notice

FarmVille Fireworks Notice

Just in time to celebrate and stock up for New Year's Eve, FarmVille brings us FIREWORKS! Even though we kinda already knew about them, it's nice to see them actually available and GIFTABLE.

The list of new Giftables includes the Gold Candles Set and Small, Medium, and Large Fireworks are Giftable items only that can be sent/received by you FarmVille neighbors.

Here are the New Giftables:

farmville gold candles set giftable

FarmVille Gold Candels Set Giftable

farmville small fireworks giftable

FarmVille Small Fireworks Giftable

farmville medium fireworks giftable

FarmVille Medium Fireworks Giftable

farmville large fireworks giftable

FarmVille Large Fireworks Giftable

FarmVille also released a set of Fireworks called the Fireworks Finale that is available to purchase in the FarmVille Market for 3 FV$ for the next five days.

farmville fireworks finale
farmville fireworks finale

FarmVille Freaks FarmerGalNY and IXNAY found this video of the Fireworks Finale in action from YouTube.

This article has been re-published with permission from
