Obama, CO2 Cube in Copenhagen


As if you needed yet another reminder that climate catastrophe is on the way, here's a glowing multimedia cube to drive home the point that global warming is real and dangerous.

Made of 12 shipping containers, CO2 CUBE: Visualize a Tonne of Change is a site-specific art installation in Copenhagen equipped with video screens streaming news, artworks and lots of digital imagery about critical environmental issues - to us and more importantly, to delegates from 200 countries attending the contentious United Nations summit on global warming in the city.

Take notice and do something, the CO2 CUBE, designed by L.A. architect Christophe Cornubert and Danish artist Alfio Bonanno, is flashing to anyone who might care to listen (including President Obama, who lands in Copenhagen on Friday, but not alas, climate change doubter Sarah Palin).
