Happy Pets breaking news: breed your pets - Update


Happy Pets while still in it's early stages (still no dogs but they are coming) has responded to its growing player base and added the option to breed your pets.

From our experience and the comments from our members we've listed some of the Happy Pets breeding details:

1. Select of your male pets.
2. Click the "Breed" button.
3. After you click breed, you'll need to select a female cat to breed with.
4. It cost $50 to breed your pets
5. It will not always work so KEEP TRYING
6. If you are successful a basket like the image below will appear
7. You'll need to feed the little bundle via your feeding dishes.
8. We're still waiting for the first kittens to be born!

Strangely, the folks at Happy Pets have made the breeding process begin with the male pets? Seems an odd choice to us.

Happy Pets on Facebook - breed your own pets feed promo
Happy Pets on Facebook - breed your own pets feed promo

This popped up in our news feed.

Happy Pets on Facebook - Promo informing players pet breeding is available.
Happy Pets on Facebook - Promo informing players pet breeding is available.
