Go for Less: Vacation in Iraq?


Vacation in Iraq? That's not a joke. Westerners once included Baghdad, one of the world's most historic cities, on their lists for their classical Grand Tours, and there's still plenty to see there.

The question is, would you? Admit it: Aren't you just a little bit curious about what it's like there right now?

Granted, very few would pick an active war zone for a vacation. Except for someone like Michael Luongo, who recently joined us to talk about the cheapest ways to see Buenos Aires.

He's been to Iraq, he had a great time, and he's here to give us a perspective on what it's like for visitors. Find out what tourism means to Iraqi locals, what the double whammy of the recession and the war have done to the lifestyle there, and even how much it would cost you to visit the country, should your wanderlust get the better of you.

Sooner or later, Iraq will rejoin the world's tourism destinations. Luongo tells us if it will be within your financial reach to do so.
