Frosmo brings tournament arcade play to Facebook



has been open to the public in Finland for quite a while now, but so far has not seen worldwide release. This changed recently, and the social gaming tournament site is now open to all. It even sports Facebook integration through the Facebook Connect service, so that you can invite friends to join your team and share your progress through status updates.

Frosmo works by giving you a certain amount of Frollars upon joining. You can then use these Frollars to join in tournaments for familiar (although rebranded) arcade games. if you win the tournament, you get more Frollars. Repeat forever. You can also get friends to join your team, which increases your ranking and allows you to participate together to earn mroe Frollars per day. Overall, it's an addicting service that any casual gamer should check out, especially given the integration with Facebook.

[via Inside Social Games]
