Li'l Wayne's Smokin SoBe Rental


Give it up for Li'l Wayne. The man sure seems to know a good real estate deal when he sees one. But pity the poor real estate agents so desperate for benjamins they have to leak word they're showing Li'l Wayne's li'l rap star rental.

Something good...?
Something good...?

According to the New York Post, Wayne is renting a 3 bed, 2 bath South Beach condo up for sale for $520,000. Potential buyers are supposedly being warned that this ain't your mama's showing with oatmeal cookies smelling up the kitchen. More like a rap video, with scantily clad (bra 'n' panties) girls at the door, hip hop blaring, and plumes of SoBe's finest chronic (marijuana) billowing out the door. Sounds like just another day at Mr. Wayne's place, doncha know.
