Tiger Woods Alleged Mistress Selling Condo


Rachel Uchitel, a.k.a., Tiger Woods' alleged mistress, isn't just another woman. Oh, no. She's a woman selling a Las Vegas condo. Not just any condo, either: a "ground floor penthouse."

A what? Aren't penthouses supposed to be on the top floor? Maybe that's as old-fashioned an idea as a married man keeping his hoosy-whats-it zipped up and reserved for his wife at home.

(Yes, the same Tiger Woods home
The Palm Beach Post's gossip Jose Lambietcattily described as a cross between a "Motel 6 and a beachside nursing home.")

Ms. Uchitel's 1,500 square-foot condo is on the market for $1.35 million.
Let's take a peek inside this "ground floor penthouse"...
