Major buzzkill: Study finds caffeine won't sober you up


With the holiday season upon us, a familiar end-of-party ritual is coming under fire. It turns out that drinking coffee after an evening of imbibing your favorite holiday cocktails doesn't actually sober you up, new research finds. In fact, caffeine may make matters worse: it can give you a false sense of your sobriety and your ability to, say, drive a car -- even though you're still just as intoxicated.

"Caffeine will make you less sleepy and maybe you are less likely to fall asleep behind the wheel, but it won't make you any less drunk," says the study's co-author Thomas Gould, an associate professor of psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia. "If you need to stop quickly, you are not going to have the braking time you normally have when you're sober. You are not going to be able to quickly and properly make choices."
