Mafia Wars Gains Loot Event for Public Enemies ad promotion


While Mafia Wars is usually an ad-free environment, the newest Public Enemies Loot Event that started on Sunday at 12:01am PT and will run through Wednesday, December 9 at 11:59pm isn't the usual looting event that's used to get Facebook players into the game. Instead, the event is sponsored by the DVD release of the movie Public Enemies, a Depression-era film that historically chronicles the final days and illegal activities of one of history's most known bank robbers, John Dillinger, and his war with FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover.

As part of the Public Enemies Loot Event, players will be able to acquire eight movie-related items including Dillinger's signature Wooden Gun to FBI Agent Purvis' Rifle (the man who took Dillinger down) and a locket of Billie Frechette (Dillinger's girlfriend).

The promo also links out to a contest on the DVD's official site where players could win $100,000 (real money), two ASUS Netbooks, two 32" HDTVs two iPod Touch devices, and more. Since you get up to 15 chances a day, your odds for real-world loot might even be higher.

Even for those who hate ads, the promotion seems well-suited to the dirty underground of Mafia Wars. Plus, who wouldn't want free loot and a chance to win $100k? Sounds like robbing a bank, right?

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