Shine this season without overspending


Christina Binkley of the Wall Street Journalwrites about the irresistible charms of holiday trimmings -- holiday wardrobe trimmings, that is.

It seems that Americans, under the influence of festive spirit and magical marketing, can't seem to stop themselves from snapping up anything red, sparkly, furry or foil-inspired. But it's easy, with a carol in your head and your credit card already in heavy rotation, to overspend on an outfit for a company party, family dinner or New Year's Eve bash.

So how can you satisfy your craving for fun holiday ensembles without overspending? It's all a matter of buying smart, finding versatility under the fun, and being honest with yourself about what you'll wear once the snow has melted.

If you want to wear red, open your closet and take a look at what's inside. Hanger upon hanger draped with blacks and neutrals? The good news is you need a dose of brightness anyway -- but don't buy something you'll need to wear often to justify, since your style clearly doesn't revolve around color.
