Who's writing the Forbes tell-all?


As sexy workplaces go, Forbes ranks somewhere far below Vogue, the (fictionalized) setting of The Devil Wears Prada. But the venerable business title is the subject of a tell-all currently being written by one (or more) of the many staffers whose jobs it has eliminated over the past two years, according to Gawker. And here at DailyFinance, we have a hunch we know who the author might be.

Asked about the book, various Forbes insiders, past and present, pointed fingers at former managing editor Stewart Pinkerton, who departed the magazine in March after nearly 20 years there. While Pinkerton's far from the only long-serving editor to depart in recent waves of downsizing, he's one of very few in a position to know details of a feud among the Forbes brothers, said to be the book's subject. "To write a book about the family, you'd have to be someone of Stewart's stature," says one source. "Without having that level of access, it'd be pretty superficial."
