We're expanding our Twitter presence -- follow our new daily offerings


With the rise of real-time information, more and more news outlets are turning to Twitter. Naturally, it's hard to ignore a burgeoning service that next year could have 18 million active users, sending out and reading tens of billions of tweets per year. These outlets use Twitter to broadcast new article postings, primarily. That's what DailyFinance has been doing to so far.

Other news outlets also use Twitter to provide a broader running commentary on events of the day and to point to trends, articles and conversations they believe are of interest to their audience. In addition, individual journalists and some news organizations use Twitter to communicate directly with readers and to locate sources for stories. At DailyFinance, we're expanding our Twitter use to include regular running commentary with the near-term goal of engaging more readers directly and turning Twitter into a true two-way channel for the site.
