Upset about deceptive 'free' credit reports? FTC wants to hear from you


A lot of people like the catchy jingle on the television ads for, but the monthly fee that accompanies the service offered on the site is less appealing. It seems that some people who sign up for a free credit report at the website don't realize they also signed up for Experian's Triple Advantage credit monitoring service, which costs $14.95 a month, until they get their next credit card bill.

The Federal Trade Commission wants to prevent the deceptive marketing of "free credit reports." In October, it announced new guidelines known as the Free Annual File Disclosures Rule, and now the FTC has extended the public comment period on the new rule, now called the Free Credit Report Rule, to December 7. The deadline was extended in response to a request by the Illinois Attorney's General's Consumer Protection Division because it needs more time to "compile data and file comprehensive comments." If you would like to comment on the proposed rule, you can do so at the FTC website.
