Pink FarmVille Mystery Boxes Arrive, Bearing Carousels and Zen Gardens


A new mystery box has appeared in FarmVille -- a pink box that costs 16 FarmVille dollars (roughly $5) and when opened, reveals a surprise inside. The boxes will only be around until So far mystery boxes have yielded surprise items from the lukewarm (striped rest tents) to the super hot (as in, our very own manor).

farmville mystery box pink
farmville mystery box pink

These new Pepto-Bismol pink boxes include some groovy prizes including a Zen Garden and an Animal Float that looks like it's prepped and ready for a FarmVille Thanksgiving parade.

Below is the complete list (so far) of the pink mystery box items and how many experience points you earn with each of them.

Animal Float
XP Gained: 250
Sells for: 1,250 coins
The float looks ready for parading, complete with a cow, duck, pig and, of course, turkey made of flowers.

farmville mystery box animal float
farmville mystery box animal float

Water Tower

XP Gained: 250
Sell for: 1,250 coins
It's a tower. With water. Probably the least impressive mystery item in this batch.

farmville mystery box water tower
farmville mystery box water tower


500 XP
The carousel looks great, and it's animated!

farmville mystery box carousel
farmville mystery box carousel

Zen Garden
XP Gained: 300
Sell for: 1,500 co
The animated Zen Garden is like, totally, Zen, but your farmer can't actually use it. Bummer.

farmville mystery box water tower
farmville mystery box water tower

Silver Streak Trailer

150 XP

500 XP

We don't have pics (or all of the info for) the Trailer and Donkey yet. If you have them -- please email them to us at, and we will post them here (and give you credit, of course!).

I binged on seven of these new mystery boxes -- and four of them were water towers. I like water and all -- but there's a limit. Fortunately, I also picked up the Animal Float, Carousel and Zen Garden. Viva la mystery boxes!

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