SmartyPig offers Black Friday cash boost


Looking to boost your Black Friday budget? SmartyPig is upping its current ante -- offering customers the chance to cash in on a hefty cash bonus this holiday shopping season.

The new bonus offers customers using the on-line piggy bank some extra coin - up to 12% - when they meet their savings goal and shop at one of SmartyPig's retail partners like Macy's, Barnes and Noble and GameStop.

"The holidays can put a financial strain on anybody, and using credit cards for purchases can add to a person's debt 'holiday hangover'," SmartyPig CEO Bob Weinschenk told WalletPop.

The goal-oriented online savings program currently offers a competitive 2.01% (APY). And until Monday, November 17, had also offered the option to add 6% to your savings when shopping at one of SmartyPig's retail partners.

"Now, when customers meet their savings goal, they may be able to earn double the bonus -- 12%," says Weinschenk.

The 12% bonus is applicable to funds withdrawn from accounts that are transferred to retail partner gift cards. "The cards never expire, so they don't have to be spent just on Black Friday or during the holiday season," says Tiffany Spencer, spokeswoman for SmartyPig.

SmartyPig is also rolling out a new added incentive for consumers looking to stash cash for a vacation. Customers can now earn up to a 10% cash bonus when they meet their savings goal and opt to book through one of SmartyPig's retail partners Travelocity or American Airlines.
