Pet Society Thanksgiving Kicks Off with New Decor -- and the Elusive Turkey Fish

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Thanksgiving has arrived in Pet Society. Starting today, you can turn your pet's pad into a veritable den of Thanks with the new Fall Candle Set, Fall Wreath, Fall Forest Wallpaper, a Thanksgiving sign, Deluxe Turkey Feast Table, Pumpkin Pie and, of course, a Roast Turkey. Rather than eat the food, however, we're going to buy it and go fishing with it to catch the coolest new item in the game this week -- the Turkeyfish.

Clothing-wise, dress your pets in Pilgrim and Wampanoag outfits for the occasion, including our second favorite item this week -- the Wampanoag Dress and Shoes that are just too cute for words. See the entire lineup of new Turkey Day goodies in the images below.

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pet society turkey fish
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