Restaurant City Invasion! Giant Mushrooms! Thieving Penguins!


Houston, we have a problem. Restaurant City on Facebook has been invaded by giant mushrooms, thieving penguins and more disasters! The horror!

Actually, these new invasions are part of a way to rake in a little extra coinage when visiting other friends' restaurants. When you visit, you'll find your friends' restaurant has one of these problems (see below for examples) and you have to solve it for them by clicking on the penguin/bear/fire to make them go away. After a few seconds, the problem will disappear, and you're rewarded with 10 coins.

cafe world help
cafe world help

So far we've helped friends scare away penguins, skunks, bears; stop fires and leaks and get rid of gigantic mushrooms invading the garden (all to the tune of 10 coins per good deed). Previously there was no incentive to visit friends' cafes other than once (which would win you a first-time visit ingredient, after that, nothing), so it's nice to see that more social aspects -- with rewards -- have been incorporated into Playfish's restaurant simulation game.

cafe world penguins
cafe world penguins
cafe world fires
cafe world fires

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