Rite Aid $4 off $20 coupon and freebie!

Here's an even better coupon for your next trip to Rite Aid. Get $4 off a purchase of $20 (prescriptions don't count) when you bring this coupon into the store. Expires Nov. 21, 2009. In store only.

Caveats: Not valid on purchase of prescriptions, prescription co-pays, Medicare or Medicaid prescriptions, lottery tickets, tobacco, alcohol products, money orders, gift cards, stamps, licenses, or other mailing series. Cannot be combined with other offers. Sales tax does not count toward the $20.

The above link also has a coupon for $2 off any Rite Aid brand over-the-counter medication that costs at least $2. That means if you find an over the counter medication for $2, it is free! It's unclear how the coupon defines "medicine" so ask the manager. Do cough drops count? What about lip balm? Hmmmm....this coupon leaves room for creative solutions.

Caveats: expires Nov. 21, 2009. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Not valid online.
