FishVille Cheats & Tips: Five Tips to Level Up


If you've just starting playing Zynga's FishVille on Facebook, the task of leveling up takes a little time to figure out. But we've been swimming with the fishes for the past few days and discovered several tips on how you can gain the most experience points (XP) from your early days with FishVille.

Update: We tracked this video for FishVille on Check it out!

1) Picking the right fish

FishVille players need to wait until their fish mature in order to sell them. Choosing the rapidly maturing Mini Dart Goby fish is an early, and cheap, option for only 9 Coins but we recommend choosing fish that take longer to mature. Our current favorite, pictured here, is the Scooter Blenny. Purchased for 88 Coins and grows every 24 hours, when sold it brings in 221 Coins. Along with coins, the Blenny also brings in a lot of XP and with more XP, the faster you'll level up.

2) Let some fish mature

So what's so big about letting your fish mature? The first Scooter Blenny we looked at was one day old. Here, a two day old fish has doubled the coins and experience it will gain when sold.

3) Dress up that tank

Adding accessories may seem like a personal preference that uses up the coins that you'd normally use to buy more fish, purchased items to add to the XP bin too.
