New FarmVille Mystery Boxes: More Bang for Your Virtual Buck (Finally)


A second round of mystery boxes have made an appearance in FarmVille, and this go-round, it seems like what's hiding inside offers more bang for your FV buck. The boxes, located in the Decorations section of the Market, cost 16 FV dollars (roughly $4) and contain more exclusive items, such as a manor, large pond, extra fuel for your farm vehicles and white owls.

farmville mystery box round 2
farmville mystery box round 2

When the first mystery boxes appeared in October, virtual farmers groused about the lackluster items -- a fire pit, a striped rest tent -- hiding inside. Looks like the powers that be heard the complaints loud and clear, and the situation seems to be rectified.


Speaking from personal experience, we bought two mystery boxes this morning and uncovered (drumroll, please) a sweet white manor and a large pond, both worth far more FV dollars than the 16 FV we paid for them. Huzzah!

Did you buy the new mystery boxes? Are they worth the cost?
